
Hello there! Thank you so much, for checking out this website, whether just checking out some work or reaching out to work together, I’m very appreciative that you stopped by. My name is Johnathan Lewis and I’ve been running my own freelance photography business which has been a hugely rewarding endeavor, and one that I have learned so much through. I started JLL Visuals in 2016 and have been working every spare moment since to hone my craft and grow my business. I am dedicated to the work and truly appreciate the opportunity to capture moments that my clients will always cherish. I enjoy pushing myself to have the highest quality, for myself and my own growth as an artist, as well as for the client. I look forward to the future of this business and am always working to grow it. I was hugely influenced by a student internship at WKYC, an NBC affiliate, in fall of 2018. I pride myself on providing the best quality of images and the best customer service to the clients I work with. Whether senior portaits, weddings, high school reunions, etc., the goal always is to capture moments that clients can cherish. Thank you again for stopping by, and enjoy the visuals!!
